Health, Safety and Environment Policies

The health, safety and welfare of all staff, sub-contractors, clients and visitors is significantly important to TIKS CONSTRUCTION, and it is our intention to strive for excellence in the effective health and safety management of all construction sites under our control.

We also aim to effectively mitigate all hazards arising from our facilities, activities and site specific environments. We also ensure we comply with all legal obligations, relevant standards and codes of practice with a commitment to developing a culture of safety within the civil and electro mechanical construction industry.

At TIKS CONSTRUCTION we understand that environmental sustainability is everyone’s responsibility and as a prominent local company we are prepared to lead the way in this regard. We also realize that a commitment to the environment is not just socially responsible, but also good business practice as we seek to increase our constantly growing reputation. For this reason we ensure that our environmental policy is implemented throughout every facet of our business. Simply put, our overall objective is to carry out our operations in a way which manages and minimizes any adverse environmental impact and to prevent any pollution.

You can download and explore all the Policies in pdf format from the download links in the sidebar.

Contact Info

Tel 011 663 03 00
Fax 011 663 04 08

Yeka Sub City,Woreda 10
Fikremariam Aba Techan Street,
Hyundai Marathon Building 6th Floor

Office location

Company Profile

To view our company profile 
please download from the link below.

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